Sixline with a fire shrimp


Active Member
Anyone have experience in having both at the same time in a nano? If not a nano any other experiences?


Active Member
I was wondering because when I was searching and saw someone who said that wrasse had killed their fire shrimp. It just freaked me out a bit, because, as you know rebel, I now own a sixline and a fire shrimp is in my future plans. I am looking for some feedback.


Originally Posted by subielover
I was wondering because when I was searching and saw someone who said that wrasse had killed their fire shrimp. It just freaked me out a bit, because, as you know rebel, I now own a sixline and a fire shrimp is in my future plans. I am looking for some feedback.
That may have been me, six months with both the fire shrimp and wrasse and then one day the shrimp is missing two legs and some whiskers, next day all his legs and some other parts. The fire shrimp was bigger... IMO don't do it!!


Originally Posted by subielover
I was wondering because when I was searching and saw someone who said that wrasse had killed their fire shrimp. It just freaked me out a bit, because, as you know rebel, I now own a sixline and a fire shrimp is in my future plans. I am looking for some feedback.
That may have been me, six months with both the fire shrimp and wrasse and then one day the shrimp is missing two legs and some whiskers, next day all his legs and some other parts. The fire shrimp was bigger... IMO don't do it!!


i have a fire shrimp and two cleaner shrimp,i recenttly add a six line to my 50 gal tank,one of the cleaner shrimp can't stand the 6 line,every time he pass by her , she jump in the air and try to spouk him,it's funny to watch!But i never saw the 6 line bother the shrimp!!