sixline wrasse fish information on them???


Can anyone give me info on these fish are they peaceful?How big do they get??What they eat??What size tank should they be in??
any information would help.Thanks


Active Member
Max lenght: 3"
Eats meaty food
larger specimens may eat ornamental shrimp
Eats flatworms
Active species
Hardy if survives shipping
Does well in a community tank, but may behave aggresively towards less aggressive wrasses and other shy fish. (I've heard they attack firefish).
Like lots of hiding spots
Can be housed in groups if tank is big enough
Min tank 20 gallon
All this is from Marine Fishes by Scott Michael (except the firefish comment I learned on this board)
Hope that helps, they are a cool looking fish.


Active Member
They are somewhat peaceful (mine also attacks the firefish) can get around 4", eats pretty much anything, and does great in reefs.


They are a great fish, very frantic style swimmers at times. Fun to watch as they dip and dive in and out of the rock work. But add him after you have added all your "peaceful" fish. I added some clowns and he was the first to nip them. I read up on them and found they have somewhat large kanine teeth behind their lips and will take entire scales off with one nip.


Active Member
They will also eat every pod you have in your tank. So don't try to keep one if you are ever planning on getting a Mandarin.
They can be very aggressive to other Wrasses and Dottybacks.


I've read mixed reports on Sixlines. Some get along fine and then others can be bullies, from what I gather its really about their own personality. I really want a Royal Gamma and I've read they dont blend to well with Sixlines.


I've had mine for two months now and it hasn't pestered any of the other fish. I've caught it nibbling at my bubble coral a few times though. It's by far my favorite fish, it has so much personality and is great to watch zip in and out of the holes in the rock work.