sixline wrasse info


Can someone tell me a little about the sixline? temperment, diet, problems???
I really like them, just want to make sure it's an ok fish for a reef tank with your average residents (clowns, chromis, pepermint shrimp, turbos, astrea, hermits......) just looking to learn from someones experience.

thanks in advance.



Active Member
I've kept a couple of them. Low maintainance fish. Will eat just about anything but also scour the rocks for bugs.
With regards to temperament, it can be hit or miss. My last one killed a larger flasher wrasse. It also picked at a butterfly and an angel. I removed it as it was becoming quite the little tyrant. In a large enough system, they can/should be kept in small groups of 3-5 fish. Add them at the same time. Once established, they can be pretty nasty to new additions.
Conversely, the first one I had was a model citizen, but I've hear many accounts of them getting mean as they age/grow.


I have one that is the nicest fish in the tank they will eat just about anything as stated before they also eat some worms in the rock which could be harmful to corals.They are 100% reef safe.Great addition to the tank for anybody.


Active Member
we have had a larger 6 line for about 6 months now with ZERO problem s.
from everything i have read, been told , and seen they are a great addition to a reef.
we had a huge outbreak of bristal worms some of which were getting very big.
within amonth of the wrasse being in the tank. we noticed they are nearlyt 100% gone.
every now and then we see one under a rock when we move it but other then that he has munched them all up.


It depends on why you want one. In my experience, they are pretty peaceful, but there are exceptions. I had one kill a fridmani once, but that is the only fish that he has ever bothered. I have read where they will pick on other wrasses in your tank. Mine wasn't the first thing added to my tank and he wasn't the last, so, in my experience, there is no "best time" to add one. He will eat any pods or worms that you have in your tank, so if you want those, then it's best not to add a sixline. I have had nitrate problems, ich problems, etc and my sixline has never shown any signs of stress. They are easy to maintain and will eat anything you put in the tank. I enjoy mine. He cruises the rocks looking for things to eat. He is colorful and adds quite a lot of life to the tank. I have similar livestock to what you have, or are planning to have. I have multiple snails, hermits, mithrax crabs, boxing crab, nudibrach, sea hare, chromis, watchman goby, jawfish, lmb and he leaves them all alone. Great fish... probably my favorite in the tank.


GORGEOUS fish!! He is best buds with the rest of my crew. Here is an updated pic. Excellent in a reef tank, friendly, active and fun to watch....and gorgeous colors..


Active Member
Basically like people said - usually a pretty hardy, inexpensive, colorful fish. But they CAN get big attitudes and become bullies, going after other similarly sized/shaped fish and even things like crustaceans. Because they do eat small invertebrates (pods, worms, etc) the could, depending on the individual, pose a risk to larger crustaceans etc. I have heard people losing shrimp to them. But theoretically you can have these issues with many fish and inverts which, in general, are considered OK.


Active Member
Make sure you keep your tank covered. I had one that gave me no problems at all. I loved the fish but it managed to jump out of a small opening hence leading to its death.


Active Member
I think they are super-cool little fish, but I have heard to many "vicious fish" anecdotes to risk putting one in with my Cherub Angel whom I cherish!