Sixline Wrasse


I need some imput on Sixline Wrasse. Are they aggressive? I was thinking about getting one this week but I read in another post that their sixline ate 2 of their gobies. I might have to reconsider what I want to get. Thanks...


LOL my sixline is the most harmless fish I have ever seen!! Mine has never bothered any of my other fish and seems to be a extreme peaceful fish. Hope this helps. I have had mine for about 2 years now.


I've had my six-line for about a month with no problem. It's very active swimming through the rocks and loves to body surf in the currents at the front of the tank.


Thanks. I was hoping for some good replies. I read that sometimes they were more aggressive with other Wrasses or small inoffensive species. Right now the fish I have are 2 Blue-Green Chromis and 2 Occelaris Clowns. Those should be o.k. shouldn't they.


Active Member
just like JW said it can be territorial if not added last. I added mine last...then my perc died. I added 2 maroons and nothing has happened yet. It can go either way. I would suggest getting a small one.


I have a sixline in a 55g community tank. He was the next to last fish added and has caused no problems. Just put a psychedelic mandarin in with him 3 weeks ago and he leaves him alone as well. Common clownfish is one of his tankmates. Add the sixline last if possible and ovoid extremely passive fish and hopefully you won't have any problems. Each fish seems to act and adopt to there tank conditions differently. Good luck!


He is a deceiving wrasscal, mine was very peaceful to other fish but deadly if you were a pod, bristle worm, or even if you were a snail turned upside down, then you saw the deadly preditor. Mine even made a dent in those little snails that plauge my tank.

bean 3

New Member
I have had a sixline going on a year now. He has been a great fish and hasn't caused any havoc in the tank. He's got tankmates that do that for him. I think he was the 4th fish i added to my 100g. I added fish in the following order and have had no signs of aggression. 1. 2 percula clowns 2. green chromis 3. sixline 4. coral beauty 5 saddle blenny 6. foxface 7. royal gramma. I don't know if having alot of hiding places has cut down on any potential aggression. The tank has about 175# of LR so they have each staked out a territory (sixline, coral beauty, gramma). The others couldn't give a flip about who is in the tank. Good luck with the sixline, they are great!
Bean 1/2/3


Active Member

Originally posted by Thomas712
He is a deceiving wrasscal, mine was very peaceful to other fish but deadly if you were a pod, bristle worm, or even if you were a snail turned upside down, then you saw the deadly preditor. Mine even made a dent in those little snails that plauge my tank.

:D Mine lived peacefully with everyone and still does except for the mandarin I tried to add. He has gotten very picky about who his lives in his neighborhood. Also, eats the things Thomas mentioned except for snails. Love him anyway.


Bean 3,
I noticed you added your Royal Gramma last, was there a reason for that or it just happened that way. Thanks...