I have a 175 display but it has about 150 lbs of LR. I bought a sailfin about 6 inches and a hippo about 5 inches from the lfs. The sailfin has been in there system for almost a year in about a 40 gal tank and is doing really well in her new home. The hippo however has ich. Now it's in my system. I think I need to do hyposalinity so I was thinking about getting a 20 gal tank and placing it under my 175 beside the sump for my QT. after I get the desired amount of fish in my tank I would like to switch it over to refuge. I do not intend on using copper. would the 20 work for these tangs. Won't catching them in the big tank stress them even more??? I so wish I had just added the blue like I was thinking and added the sailfin later. She is a red sea sailfin and she was quite expensive. Serveral people on here and of course my LFS said it would be better for the hippo to add her with a partner. No I am in a delima. The sailfin has no visable ich and they are both eating very good. Dry seaweed and all. She looks so healthy except for those spots. Dang ich this sucks.