Size of Quaritine tank


New Member
I am looking into a good size QT for my 60 gal fish and invert tank. I was originally looking for a cheap 20gal but I can't find one. What about a 10. Should I keep looking for a 20 or go with a ten?


Personally I would go with a 20+ QT. Reason being, easier to maintain levels and better for larger fish.


New Member
I bought an 18 gallon at *****. It has the same footprint (bottom area) as a ten gallon so it would fit on my old stand and use my old lights (in my freshwater days) but it gives me more water volume for stability. It also has black caulk since the clear type would be stained by medications. I place crushed coral in a large micron bag for stability as well but I can remove it to wash it or if I ever have to medicate with copper.