size/price of tanks....


ok, i dont have a tank or anything....but i was thinking of buying a 75 gallon tank with this 20 or 30 gallon tank underneath in the stand that filters and heats the water, then sends it back up to the i guess there isn't any stuff showing in the display....anyways...its 1200 bucks for just the that too much?....i need/want a stand with it........i am also thinking that maybe i should be getting a 155 gallon tank..i dunno.....its my very first tank..but i dont wanna buy one then be dissapointed with they have good resale value???
anyways, should i buy my tank online or at my local fish store......??? could anyone link me to a good retailer online? or will shipping be just absolutly outragous........
thanks for you help......


For that amount you could find a good used tank with Live rock, lights, and everything used in the classifieds. In Houston there are always complete systems in the paper for cheap.
I bought my 200 gal with stand for $750. It was the LFS display tank that they hadn't been using for a few months so I made an offer. Anyway, I refinished the stand and built a canopy for the halides and it looks great.
I've also seen a 125 gal at Petsmart for $375 and & $250 for the stand. I forgot how much the canopy was but it had one.
If you buy from the LFS expect to pay an inflated price.


what is a canopy?
and stupidly enough, i never thought of looking in the, how can i tell a good tank from a bad one? i mean, what if the seals are bad or do i know it didn't break and he used elmers glue....what kind of reassurance do i have......
You just have to look at the tank and kind of go over it with a fine tooth comb. Sometimes they will still have the tank full selling it all so you see it full and then know it doesn't leak. If you buy from a lfs like they said plan on paying an inflated price. on my setup i have spent with everything close to $5000. If i did it again i would look at the classifieds and then see from there. If you find a good lfs though they will help you setup a good deal remember though they are out to make a buck. Get the list and prices come back to this board and post it ask if this sounds right and if you need anything else or missed anything. How much are you looking to spend do you have a budget? What are you wanting to do with your tank? FO or reef? Give us some info and there are enough people here to give you some ideas.


Active Member
$1,200.00 is waaaay tooo much for a 75. Shop around some more. The large pet stores, Petsmart, Pet Supplie Plus, etc will probably be your best bet on tank and stand. Seriously consider a pre-drilled tank. They can order it for you that way and it will make your life easier in the long run.
Good Luck! The tank size decision is one of the most important ones you make. Everything goes up or down from there.:D


thanks guys....
first of all.....5000 bucks? well, i'm not going ot have 5000 right away, imean, i may build my system up to be that over time...but not right away....second of all...petsmart and *****? i never thought about them.....and what does predrilled mean?
and i think i want this 155 gallon bow front tank.........


Active Member
A tank can be pre-drilled to allow for an overflow system to feed a sump. They actually drill 1-1 1/2" holes and attach bulkheads. To the bulk heads you can attach hose/pvc to drain/feed your tank.
There are a variety of drilled applications, some side drilled, some bottom drilled.
The point is that if your tank is ordered drilled you won't have to add an external overflow system to feed your sump. Less "stuff" in your tank.
I'm sure the sharks can give a better explanation than me. I just know I wished I knew about drilled tanks before I bought mine.
Good Luck!


I bought a 75 gallon several months back for $130. The store had set it up for a photoshoot for about 24 hours. The tank was perfect w/no scratches and the owner called AG to make sure they would honor the warranty, and they did, so it has a 1 year warranty on it. I was going to use it for saltwater, but the koi got pretty big in the pond this year, so it's their home for the winter, maybe in the spring.......


New Member
I was just pricing new tanks recently, and ended up buying an established reef tank in the classifieds for 35 cents on the dollar. My current take is that for reef you should budget $40/gal for new, and $15/gal for a used setup. That includes all equipment, LR, LS, Fish, Inverts, Corals, etc. to make it look the way you probably think you really want it (ie the perfect reef tank pictures on the web).
Just something to think about as you head into this new adventure. But everybody does it differently, and there is a huge range on what you can do and what you need to spend.
But remember, it's the journey not the destination!
That sounds about right to me. I mean it does not have to be done all at once but i figured if I am going to do it i am going to do it right the first time.