size question.


Active Member
i have a 20gal and i was wondering if i could get a 2in maroon clownfish and maybe later buy a smaller one to mate up with. i dont have anything else in the tank. and i was wondering if they would host my corals i dont have an anemone. so far the only coral i have is mushroom. one of them is as big as my palm which is maybe around 5 ins from one side to another. and later i will get leather, xenia, zoos, and maybe bubble coral. what else would be a good addition to my 20gal i have HO T-5 lighting 25watts one blue bulb and one white power bulb with a reflector. i have one power filter sized for 30gal and one seaclone sized for 100gal. and im buying a little filter that i can put in my tank to make more water flow for some of the other corals. anymore fish i can add?


Yes you can add one now and one later but I think it might be better to add both clowns at the same time. I think there will be less fighting if you add 2 small ones together and let them pair off on their own. The only other thing I would add with the clowns would be a blennie or a goby because of the size of the tank. You can also add a shrimp or two. This is just my .02


Active Member
yeah thats what i was going to do. add a lawnmower blenni and maybe 3 or 4 cleaner shrimp. what about any other corals?


Just about all corals can be kept with the clowns. Just keep in mind that the clowns can be rough with a host especially the maroons. So in a tank with no anemone the clowns might go for any corals they can feel comfortable and safe in(some toadstools-frogspawns-bubble corals-etc)Just use caution with the more delicate corals because the clowns can get rough with them.


Two of my clowns host my fuzzy mushrooms. once in a while they will hide out in a frogspawn or hammer, but they always go back to the fuzzy. The other ones host sebae anemone's. Clowns are fun to watch, lots of personality. Good Luck.