Size skimmer


I am going to get the ASM protien skimmer since most people says it is very good. I heard of some people stating to get a larger size. I have a 90 gallon tank with a wet/dry for a 125g. If I get the ASM-1gx for a 150 gallon that has the 3500 pump would that be right or over kill. There is only a $20 difference between the ASM-1g with the 2500 pump for a 100. Which would be better? I only had the tank for a month and this is my first tank so I want what is best for the fish and tank. :help:


Active Member
ASM overates their skimmer capacity.....The G1X is under powered for a 150gal setup......You might get away with the G2, but I would always go alittle bigger and go with the G3.....I run a G3 on a 125 LR curing tank and with only 95lbs of rock curing that thing is churning!!!!!!!! A good way to compare ASM ratings is to compare them against the EuroReef skimmer of same size and pump then cross reference that over to the ASM....EuroReef is pretty good and might underate their capacities....