This is what I found when I did a search. This is by Kent:
There is 2 modification that I have done in my skilters
1. Additional equidments required.
Air Pump, Air Line Tubes, Wooden Air Stone, Air Control Valve and Mini Air Line Connector.
I have modify my first skilter 240 using the below method (cost about $25 more)
This is how you do it
Drill a hole on top of your waste collector cab. The location of the hole should be in the center of Air Chamber. Now connect the air pump to Air Valve control using 1 air line tube. Next, connect 1 air line tube to air valve's outlet and other end of the air line connect with the mini air connector. The mini air connector place on top of the waste colector cab(where you poke the hole). Next cut 6-7" air line tube connect it to wooden air stone and the other end of the miniair connector. Place the wooden air stone into the champer. Turn on the filter and the air pump. Use the Air Valve control to adjust the amount of air going in the champer.
2. Additional equidments required
Air line tube
Cut 3" long Air line tube about 4-5 of them
Place those 3" air tube in the bottom part of the impeller(where water and air entering the champer) ben the air tubes to make sure they have curve (increase the water spin that will increase the air + water contact time), just making sure that the air line tubes have some angle pointing up(this will help the air bubbles stay in the champer. ---by Kent.
Also, I found this link
I haven't tried any of these yet because it is hard to find a place to purchase those wood air stones and my main lfs was closed this weekend. I am about to go see if they have them so I can start my modification. Hope this helps. Have a nice day