


Okay, I'm turning on the protein skimming part of my Skilter. (It is a decent filter plus a noisy air blowing small protein skimmer....). I'm not all the way through cycle yet. I think cycle was much delayed by my frequent water changes (trying to keep fish and inverts alive during a cycle).
My Ammonia has been zero for weeks. Last night my nitrites were ALMOST unreadable (but still not zero). I don't know what my NitrAtes are because I have not checked in the last day or two. At last count they were close to 20, but between 20 and 40. :(
I have NOT done water changes anymore this week. I will do my 10% maintenance water change tomorrow or Sunday.
So, anyone think turning on the Protein Skimmer at this time is a TERRIBLE idea? I'm thinking it might help.


Active Member
i woudl waita couple of more days to see if it comes down more on it's own, and i am glad to hear you are making progress, just remember to wait out the cycle before doing another water change, once your trItes reach zero, give it a couple of days, then do a water change and turn on the skimmer, but you are almost there, thank god you did not have to learn the hard way, i am so glad that your shrimp were all ok


i would run the protein skimmer but I would also in the future look for a better protein skimmer. I have and know alot of people that have tried them but they seem not to work that great. There are alot of other types that are out there for around the same price maybe a little more that work alot better. This is just my sugestion I am not an expert but then who is we are all always learning something new about our tanks weither it be by trial and error or from others. You can never stop learning when it comes to a saltwater aquarium.


Hey fshhub -- so, what you are saying is unless my levels are OMG and if my critters all seem fine... DO NOT do the weekly 10 gal this weekend? Wait for zero levels? What about NitrAte?
(I know it is just a suggestion on your part. I'm curious).
re: Protein Skimmer. I have that on my list as my next purchase. I hate the bubbles and the noise of the Skilter. Bubbles worry me, though I don't know whay. As for performance, I've heard they are not great. I had bought it for a 20 gal.


Active Member
your nitrates will come down once you get established and get the skimmer runnign, what i am saying is in a cycle, you are better off to wait until the nitrItes and ammonia reach ZERO, like i said yesterday, in most casez this would not involve fish, so if that were the case, then i woudl do nothing at anytime, but having fish and inverts, ou gotta be ready for an emergency, but yes, with trites and cycling right now, i would wait until it is exactly zero(if you can), if they reach OMG status, then i would worry, but your nitrates like i said, will come down between your dsb your lr your skimmer and your water changes(that is the only one you do not watn to wait on)
and i have no fear of advising you, just in your postition, yesterday, it seemed as if everythign was in jeopardy already, now if things are coming down adn al is fine, you may have a good chance, and yesterday, from your posts, it seemed as both choices could have been detrimental, that is all, i hope you keep progressing, i am still pulling for you, so do me one favor
after all is done, don't forget us, let us know how you make out, we like success stories


Forget you? <img src="graemlins//bah.gif" border="0" alt="[bah]" /> I'm planning on staying for a long time. I hope to be a "young salt" then an "old salt" someday who can give back!


Active Member
oh never mind i thought you were saying
forget me!!!!!
not forget us?(like how could i)
sorry, youstartlled me
whati menat was keep us posted


Active Member
Sandy I've been going for 7 weeks. I did cycle in 2 weeks unlike your experience, but my limited experience has been pretty good and I have done no water changes yet, just top offs. Going to a 25% water change this weekend. I test a lot, have yellow tang, tom clown, 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 fire shrimp, 1 gramma,8 snails, 10 crabs put in at 1 week intervals after cycle. no trites or trates or ammo. or ph problems. I put my skimmer on at fish #3. It didn't do anything for almost a week and I thought it wasn't working, but it is. Pics of your tank look great. Good luck! - Deb
P.S. I've named everything in my tank too.


Best thing that ever happened to my 20 gal (my old tank) was that I went on vacation.... So I was not there to test & tweek. It finally cycled when I was gone. LOL.
It is difficult for me to see any Nitrite or a NitrAte higher than 20 and NOT do a water change. Fact is - all my critters are healthy and happy. So I'm practicing: less feeding and fewer water changes. The tank will finish cycling and all my critters will likely live. Thanks all.