

What experiences have y'all had with skilters and how do they compare to skimmers in terms of performance? I currently use a Skilter 250.


Horrible! They work ok for a little while, but then stop working and I can't adjust them to get it working again. I have used several and none of them have worked for more than a week.


I have had mine for about 3 years now. I took it off for a while because the O-ring wore out and it started leaking. Since then, I've replaced the o-ring and it is doing ok. The other bad thing I've faced with it is the noise level. I wound up turning the air bubler off and running a wooden airstone to the base of the funnel. That made it a lot quieter.


I tried the wooden airstone too and that definitely helped for a short time, but it would be covered in algae in only about a week! Once covered in algae, it would no longer work again. I have not had good luck with skimmers that use wooden airstones.


I have the larger skillter the 400 or something like that, mine used to work but now it doesnt. I never pulled that much junk out of the water. I now have removed the skimmer tube out of it and the filterpads. It is now just used as a hob refugium, I have my cheto in it and mangroves with a clip on light. I am basically just usind it for that and for extra surface flow. If i had to do it agian i would have never bought the skilter.


Active Member
works but with very little output and is noisy as all get out. Requires frequent cleaning. once collection riser tube is dirty wont work at all. Put it this way, they say the Seaclone 100 is suppose to not be that good but I switched to it and it puts out 10x's the output, nastier output, works all the time and is much quieter. I still use the skilter with the valve completely closed (quiet) and no media just to ciculate water. use it to run activated carbon about every two weeks. Hell I use it to dose. I use it for everything except filtering and skimming. I hear its okay for nano systems like 5-15 gallons if you can stand the noise. wooden airstone at the bottom of the venturi is supose to make it work better.