Skimmer advice for new aquarists


Cut right to the chase and get a coralife super skimmer. I have been through 5 or 6 different "skimmers" in 7 years and I have never seen such crud come from my tank. It has been less than 12 hours and I have to dump the collection cup already!
I have the 125 on my reef tank. It is truly an amazing skimmer for the price.


Active Member
or go with a ASM g-series ..... freaking amazing
we should just post all the good skimmers (by experience) in this thread and get it sticky'd


Active Member
Originally Posted by salty444
Cut right to the chase and get a coralife super skimmer. I have been through 5 or 6 different "skimmers" in 7 years and I have never seen such crud come from my tank. It has been less than 12 hours and I have to dump the collection cup already!
I have the 125 on my reef tank. It is truly an amazing skimmer for the price.
Just as good as the GSM, only a hellofa lot cheaper.


I had question about my skimmer. I apologize for not having the brand name with me but I'm at work. The skimmer is one that has a venturi pump that sits on the inside of the tank and the collection cup and tube hang outside on the back. You can regulate the air with a small valve that leads to the pump. I can see a "tornado" inside the tube on the back of the tank but I hardly ever have foam or liquid make it up to the collection cup. Is this normal or is the skimmer not functioning properly? I have a 45gal tank with 2 clowns, 5 very small damsels, a sea cuke, an urchin and about 10 small blue hermit crabs.
Just wondering if I should look into the skimmers mentioned above.


Active Member
Question for all you skimmer pros out there. I am putting a 100 gallon tank together and the guy I got the tank from gave me a skimmer it is very large. Anyway I put it in my sump (built yesterday) and stuck it all in the stand and the problem is I can not take the collection cup off. ARG
So I get my SeaClone 150 out and hook it up in a cooler to see how it will run. Is this skimmer ok to be IN the sump? Also it is not making the cyclone bubbles like it did several months ago before I put it away. Does it have to do with the fact it is in regular water or just because it is clean water???? Should I hook it up to my 29 again and see if that helps? What size pump would be ok on it in the skimmer? will the MJ 1200 still be ok or should I get a bigger one. Yeah I know it is cheap but all I can afford right now. Although I have looked at that JEBO one on the nice auction site for like 30 bucks