skimmer and UV sterilzer question

I have started my double Helix 36W UV sterlizer last week, since then my prism skimmer will not collect any waste - just water (looks clear).
the setup: 90G overflow tank, skimmer attach to sump and UV collect water from return flow to tank and transfer to skimmer side of sump
Question one: should both the skimmer and UV be on at the same time?
Question two: if not, what should be the interval.
Question three: how do you get crystal clear water, mind seems to have small tiny particles floating all over.


Generally the effect of the UV will not adversely change the skimmers progress. There will be times when the skimmer will produce a little tannish water or nothing at all. It will only skim if there is something for it to skim.
IMO, I have several tanks and the always have the UV and skimmer running 24/7. (unless I filter feed oradd chemicals, then the skimmer is off for 2 hours)
This has worked well for me for 10 years.
As far as cleaning (clear-flossing) the water you can try carbon in the filter under the intake filter pad.
Good luck.