Skimmer causing bubbles!

My prisim HOB is making a few bubbles in my tank.
I can tune it down so that no bubbles get in, but the foam doesen't seem to rise enough to enter the collection cup.
Please advise...
BTW, It has already eliminated a pleathora of slimy, fowl smelling, poo water. :D


Active Member
I ran a prisim on a 55g and it took a while to break in After a week or two it should get better


i actually had this same exact problem. everyone is right, just takes a few days. you can also adjust it some. overall, it should get better within time. mine was pumping out scary amounts of bubbles, three days later, they were almost gone.
cool. I have collected a full cup in 6 hours.
Do I run this thing constantly?
I'm thinking about putting it on my power strip for lights, which has a timer.


just let it run, i only collected a small amount, i havent collected anything else since. that is a good thing that it took that much out. i will await someone else to answer your timer question, i am curius of that myself.


i run mine 24/7 also.....that seemes to be alot in 6 hours....i know the instruction state that you should have the water level just below the o migh thave it alittle high ...just a thought


I run mine 24/7. From what I have read and from reading posts from the experienced hobbyist on this board even when the skimmer is not pulling out gunk it is still providing a means for O2 exchange. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.