Skimmer DIY connected to tank drain?


While responding to the thread "HEY RSD" it occured to me that what I have been pondering just might be possible. Rather than fight all the bubbles that try to enter our sumps/refugiums why couldn't we harness those and use them like a skimmer. If you read the post I was talking about you'll see that a portion of my sump (where the tank dumps in) has a consistent water line. I added some pipe to extinguish bubbles from going near my pump intake... but if I modified it a little it would "look" and possible act just like a skimmer. Can't get to it this week but thought I'd ask you guys what you thought.
Here's the diagram. Also check out the post "hey RSD" to get a better idea.


Wow... sorry for the crappy red letters. They should say "over fit pipe supported by "arms".
Sounds like a pretty cool idea. Do you think that you'd be able to get a consistent bubble size with this though? Also, contact time could be very minimal. Please let me know what you find from trying this though as I don't believe I've ever heard of this being done before and am interested to see if it works.