Skimmer for 125



My new tank comes out to be about 125 gallons. I am wondering what you guys would get as far as a skimmer. I would like to stay under 400 if possible.
I am not sure on the sump yet so no dimensions for space.
Thanks as usual!


Active Member
Aqua C EV
Go ahead and yell at me R.C.....Or was it Prime that hates the Aqua C EV, I forget.....I like mine......ASM is great too.
Are you actually getting a tank Regina, or are you just messin with us


Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Are you actually getting a tank Regina, or are you just messin with us
It is actually coming!
lol I am so excited. It has been a long 1 1/2 years waiting, but it will all be worth it!


Active Member
Originally Posted by regina13
It is actually coming!
lol I am so excited. It has been a long 1 1/2 years waiting, but it will all be worth it!

That's great

Back to the skimmer, I like the Aqua C 240 in my tank as it's a lot of skimmer in a small area....If I had a larger sump, I would have likely gone a different direction......How much space you have is key.


Originally Posted by kjr_trig
That's great

Back to the skimmer, I like the Aqua C 240 in my tank as it's a lot of skimmer in a small area....If I had a larger sump, I would have likely gone a different direction......How much space you have is key.
I was just looking at the aqua C skimmers, and they do fit into smaller areas. I have to check into them some more.


Active Member
I would agree with the AquaC. I have the 2000 and have heard nothing but good about the 240.
I have an ASM G3 that has been modded and I switched out the pump from the Sedra 5000 to the Sedra 9000 and it is 5 times better...skimmer ---- all day :)


Active Member
I have the EV240 on my 125. I too decided on it because of the compact size (in my case height, or so I thought, still a touch too tall). I was going to have a custom ORCA built, but they stopped responding to my emails
... It gets the job done, not the flashiest skimmer (unless you like to brag about your skimmer being powered by a Mag 18
). Had I been able to redo it, definitely would look for some type of recirc (I had 2 Sicce spec'ed on that ORCA).


Can't go wrong with an ASM g3, MSX 200, or octopus pro 250. All pretty good skimmers for the money with the octo being the best of the three.


That's what I have on my 150gal, an Octopus Pro 300. But I didn't mention it because it's over the price limit Regina mentioned. Great skimmer though.


What is the difference between a Recirculating Skimmer and a Needlewheel Skimmer? Is one much better than the other?


Originally Posted by regina13
What is the difference between a Recirculating Skimmer and a Needlewheel Skimmer? Is one much better than the other?
i believe a recirculating skimmer had water pass through the skimmer twice before being expelled ? is that right ? haha


Active Member
Originally Posted by regina13
What is the difference between a Recirculating Skimmer and a Needlewheel Skimmer? Is one much better than the other?
Needlewheels are the type of impeller on a pump. They use a bunch of small plastic rods to chop up/mix the air&water mix a lot finer then a standard 6 blade impeller (see attached pic).
A recirculation skimmer is a type of skimmer. Needlewheel isn't a type of skimmer. Most recirc skimmers actually use needlewheels pumps as their recirculation pumps. I think most skimmers that just generically claim "needlewheel skimmer" are a venturi skimmer which use a needlewheel pump to feed and mix the water&air for the skimmer. Think Coralife super skimmer...


What is the big difference in performance? The recirculating are more exspensive but there is nothing to tell you what benefits it has. Maby i am just not getting the concept!


Originally Posted by regina13
What is the big difference in performance? The recirculating are more exspensive but there is nothing to tell you what benefits it has. Maby i am just not getting the concept!

i think its more contact time with water


Originally Posted by regina13
What is the big difference in performance? The recirculating are more exspensive but there is nothing to tell you what benefits it has. Maby i am just not getting the concept!

I believe they circulate the water through the skimmer twice, as opposed to regular skimmers which only do it once.


Recircs do circulate the water thru but depending on the recirc pump and the flow thru your skimmer from your main feed it can be way more than 2 times. Also creates alot of turbulence in the tube making the bubbles contact more water and forcing more crud to the surface. My octo recirc 300 is a beast at pulling crud out and easy to clean. Does take up alot of space at roughly 30" tall and 22" long.