Skimmer for 24 Gal Nano Cube?


New Member
Hi, all.
Does anyone know of a skimmer that can be easily used with a 24 gal Nano Cube? I bought a Red Sea Prizm because of it's smaller size, but cannot use it on my Cube without hacking up the hood -- a prospect I don't even want to think about. Anything that will fit inside the filter compartments? I don't especially care for the airstone driven ones or want to set up a sump. (Guess I'm kinda picky....). Any suggestions
I might be wrong, but do you really need a skimmer if your using liverock and live sand bed? Wouldn't the liverock and sand provide you enough biological filtration? You could use small pieces of liverock in your filters for better filtration and bacteria growth. Just my opinion, but others could offer their advice as well.


I have the AquaC Remora on my 24 gal 'Pod and I LOOOOVE it! Here's a pic of my tank (taken today) with the Remora on the back left corner. They are a little expensive, but worth every penny!!


SugarFox, is the Remora a hang on skimmer? So basically the skimmer hangs off the back of your tank and just pulls the water in. I am considering getting the same one but want to know a little more about it before I drop the $$. Thanks.


Originally Posted by ncarvain
SugarFox, is the Remora a hang on skimmer? So basically the skimmer hangs off the back of your tank and just pulls the water in. I am considering getting the same one but want to know a little more about it before I drop the $$. Thanks.
Yes, its a hang on skimmer. A powerhead (maxijet 1200, or rio - I prefer MJ) is attached by a short piece of airline tubing and a hose clamp. The powerhead pushes the water into the skimmer. Its awesome, however it works! Check out the big auction site, I just picked up another one for $118 shipped.