Skimmer for a 29 gallon?


Ok, I am considering breaking down and adding a skimmer to my tank. I have went two year without one, but I am going to start dosing limewater and I want to start maintaining more consistant levels in my tank.
I need to have a hang-on style that is somewhat compact. One that is not overly loud, and that needs minimal maintenance. I also do not want to spend an arm and a leg on one since at some point in the future (hopefully within a year) I plan to upgrade to a much larger tank with a sump.
Any advice on a type or brand of skimmer to buy would be appreciated greatly.


look into the Aqua-C skimmers...they seem to have killer stuff.
Also remember that you want a skimmer that turns your tank over 4-5 times an hour...may not be a hang on but it will eliminate alot of problems...chris.