skimmer for eclipse hood


i have a 20 gallon tank with the eclipse 3 on it i want to add a skimmer to it but i dont want to cut the hood i had a visajet protein skimmer and it sucked so i took it out and was thinking about getting a lee's air driven skimmer has anyone done this yet i cant find out how big the cup is to know if it will clear the hood i just need something to get me by for another month until i get the new 40 setup fot the lion fish thanks for any help


Active Member
you will have to cut for a good skimmer, but for 20 gal i would skip the hood dont worry about a skimmer ant just get a good power filter- this also allows you to have better lighting. just keep up on water changes


im going to leave the 20 gallon up for a qt ill figure something out or make my own skimmer thanks for the help