As I've said in previous threads I have a 5 gal AGA, which I've added a home made refugium (yet to be stocked, but it's about 1.5 gallons of extra water right now so that helps). I made my fuge out of a tall cereal container (like what you put cereal in to not go stale) and have a TOM mini filter pumping 50 gph (probably less) back into the DT, and a 1/2 inch siphon tube to feed water in.
Anyway, my question is what is a good tiny skimmer (tiny skimmer better than no skimmer in my opinion). I've seen plans for a coke bottle one with a wood airstone and have considered that, but has anyone had any luck with commercial mini skimmers?
Anyway, my question is what is a good tiny skimmer (tiny skimmer better than no skimmer in my opinion). I've seen plans for a coke bottle one with a wood airstone and have considered that, but has anyone had any luck with commercial mini skimmers?