skimmer for sale?

Well that is common with skimmers. I have biult several and am working on one that does not maek micro-bubbles!!! All you can do for the ones that have that problem is got to Wal-mart or somewhere and get a plastic small basket with holes in it. Put some floss in it and they will despurse the bubbles! You can buy a corallife skimmers there's do not make bubble's but it dosn't skim as well.


Active Member
ok what kind of basket do i need? and where do i get the floss and what is that ? also wher do i put this basket and floss ? under where the water comes out of the thing ?


I have a ETSS reef devil rated for 150gl in Perfect condition with a built in sump plumbed external.. This thing will rock a 55 comes with a mag 7 pump.
Will sell the sump, skimmer and pump for $200 firm.
Do a search for pics of it under my name.
i am moving and am selling every thing!!


Active Member
do you have anything else for sale ? those pics of ur tanks are awsome. is the skimmer a hob? can you send me link to pic i cant seem to find it


Originally Posted by jessica47421
pls someone my tank has white film at surface think its bc dont have a skimmer,
That film is protein, I hate to say it but a skimmer will not really help. You need to get the surface water flowing. That water on the surface should be rippling big time to keep the film from forming.
Jessica, no the skimmer is not HOB, those can be weak at best. Only Deltec makes one worth buying but its $600.00. MCE600 by Deltec.
This one goes under the tank and is plumbed right into the sump I have. You would need an overflow box to run it. They cost about $25.00. Look under ETSS REEF DEVIL on this site under search till you see my name as the poster. You will not believe your eyes. I do not know how to get to the link.


i have a cpr bak pak 2, i modded it with a maxi jet 1200 and a needle wheel impeller, also put the airstone on it
this this pull out quite a bit for being such a small skimmer
also this is a hang on skimmer
Im only asking $75.00