Skimmer good or bad


Im thinking of buying a Sea Clone 100 skimmer I can get it brand new for $50.00. Is this a good skimmer for that price? It will be going into a 55 gallon fowlr tank.


Active Member
I personally do not think it would be a good price if they included two of them along with free shipping for that price. I normally am not down on any product, as they do work, although some needs to be played with quite frequently to even come close to working, and the Seaclone fits that catagory. When they do work they work quite well, but the big problem is keeping them working efficieintly and reliably......Another $30 bucks or so will buy a corallife super skimmer which will work.


Active Member
sea clones are known to be problemmatic, id go with a amiracle mini quad($100) they work great, i have one on my 55 gallon reef


I'm not going to knock the job that the Coralife Super Skimmer will do, but the pump and the bubble diffuser are pretty good size. In a smaller tank they may be an eye sore. I just bought one for my 46 and I'm sending it back because of the size. I'm looking at an Aqua C Remora now. It costs around $160, but it takes up very little room on the inside of the tank.


OK then what if I trade it in for a prizm pro is that a better skimmer it will cost me a little 70.00 all togather with shipping good skimmer good deal or just plane crap?


Active Member
Originally Posted by vikingdad
OK then what if I trade it in for a prizm pro is that a better skimmer it will cost me a little 70.00 all togather with shipping good skimmer good deal or just plane crap?
Well, me, after owning a Prism Pro Deluxe, I would not suggest it to anyone. They work ok, skim ok, but they are alittle tempramental to water changes, and if you are adding anything to the water, like water conditioners. They foam over like mad, and you have to watch them like a hawk, right after a water change. If you are not planning on adding anything to the water, the I'd say go ahead, they work ok, but most of the others you can buy, more expensive ones, put these things to shame.


I have owned mine(seaclone) for 3 years and and am looking for another after mine just quite making bubbles(yes i cleaned it). I have another thread in the new hobbyist section where I look for answers to why people bought what they bought, why, and would they again. I specifically am looking for a h.o.t. model. The Aqua remora seeams to be the hands down favorite . Price is higher than most but if it works as advertised I wont mind spending the money.