Skimmer, Hang on vs sump


I've got my 90 gal tank started over the past 2 days. Now I need to order a Skimmer.
I was looking at the Hang on models Bak Pak II or AquaC Remora Pro. I would probably go with the Remora Pro If I get a hang on.
But before I buy anything I would just like to ask about sump models. I really dont know anything about sumps yet and 2 things are keeping me from buying a sump skimmer. They look more difficult to setup and the considerable cost differance. Would a sump skimmer like a EuroReef rated for the same gallons as the Remora clean better? There is about $150 price difference!
Could anyone give me a little insite on how to set up a Sump skimmer?


Active Member
all you need to set up a in sump skimmer is a skimmer and a water pump. I bought a Kent Nautilus TE which retails around $180 because I got a good deal on it for $120 brand new. All I did was hook up the tubes from the skimmer to the pump and it was done. Took me 10 min. I dont think the CPR will be effective for that size tank unless it is the dual collection cup model. Get the biggest skimmer you can get. It can only clean more not less. And a sump is pretty simple. It is a box of water with a pump to send the water back to the tank via PVC pipe. A hob overflow box sends water to sump and pump in sump sends it back to tank giving you more stable water and added circulation. HTH


i agree 100%. if you have room to put in a sump, and your budget allows (not too hard if you do a partial DIY on it) it is a much better solution in the long run for a tank your size. not only are some of the sump based skimmers more effecient, but you will also increase your systems water volume, have a location to place your heaters, and will be halfway there as far as plumbing goes if you want to later add a refugium.
FWIW i got a very nice skimmer that was rated to 125 gallons for my sump including pump for 125 bucks new. for your system i would go with something a bit bigger than what i have though, and as mentioned, a nautilus by kent is a great choice. you will find a lot of set up help here if you get one, cause a lot of folks have them.


What is a HOB Overflow box?
I thought if I went with a sump I would need to pumps. One pump to the sump and one from the sump to the skimmer and back to the tank?
Are the Bio Balls any good?


Active Member
I wouldnt get bioballs because they can be a nitrate haven if not maintained and cleaned properly. I would just get a fair amount of LR and a DSB and those plus the skimmer will be all the filtration you need. Here is a sketch of my sump/refugium.


Ok Im starting to figure this out. :D
Everything but the Overflow. Do you buy one? or have to make one?


Active Member
I bought one for $50 from LFS. It is an Aqua clear with 2 1" drains which gives me about 1400gph although I wont ues near that much. any online sites have them. I think the Life reef guy has to make it special for you. Look in the classifieds section for some good deals.