Skimmer is necessary??


Hi - I have tried to buy a skimmer twice at two LFSs. Both times I have been told that it was not necessary as long as I was doing regular water changes, however I also read that my butterfly or was it my Tang really needs one. I am worried as I can see protein on the top of the water and I don't see how changing water would get rid of it.
If, as I suspect, I really do need one then... One problem is I have a see-though tank and need something small and not ugly.


Active Member
If you have a fish only tank it is not absolutely necessary, but well recommended (I don't have one) by the way).
If you intend getting corals etc then yes you need one.


if you are talking about a slic, or oily film, then yes that can be taken care of with a skimmer. if you are looking for a hang on, i know the prizm pro has a surface skimming feature (not sure if its an upgrade or if it is standard). this surface skimming action will get rid og this oily film, which is important both so that gas enchange can take place, and so that you get full penetration by the tank lights as the film can reflect back some of the lunems.
i would not recommend going skimmerless on anything except maybe a really carefully maintained nano, unless you are running a refugium, which will also do a good job of nutrient transport (removing nutrients, or protiens, from the water).


Active Member

Originally posted by col
If you intend getting corals etc then yes you need one.

Hey col, don't get mad but I am going to disagree with you. They are more needed in fish only aquariums, where complete and total water purity is a goal. Whats a puffer going to care if there is no bio-plankton and minerals in the water ? In a reef tank people end up skimming out some of what filter feeders need, and then they have to dose it back into the water via expensive additives. I don't run a skimmer, but my reef tank is small. When I have a larger one I will run a skimmer, but only part time. Just my .02


Active Member
Hey col, don't get mad but I am going to disagree with you.
Get mad, me - noooooooooo. This board is all about opinions ;)


Active Member
Cool, I think everybody is a little testy because of this war thing, I'm afraid to disagre with anybody nowadays, because everyone is stressed a little, at least that is how it seems to me.


Thanks everyone! I thought everyone would say that I needed one immediately and then confuse me even more!! My LFS has suggested to feed less and see if the protein build up goes away. It seems to have helped. My big problem is my tank is a see through and I am trying to avoid too much stull hanging off it. Maybe I will opt for an optional one that I can hang on when necesary and go from there.


Don't know why nobody else mentioned it but is 9 fish in a 55 gallon a little much. Especially since your tank is only 2 months old. I've got 4 in my 55 and think i can probably only add one more. I wish you luck and if it works out let me know because I would love to add more fish to mine. Just my .02


The whole advantage to haveing a skimmer is the fact you don't need to do as manny water changes. The a pro not a con. WC are a pain so the less you need to do the better right....


a rhemora and a prizm pro both run around the same price, are both black, and are both rather sleek looking as far as protein skimmers go. they are both hang on applications, which means you do not need to invest in a sump, and if you really needed to remove it, (say you had a visitor over or something and wanted to tidy up a bit) you could, though skimmers work best once they have been set up and running for a while.
I am not sure if the rhemora has a surface skimmer option, maybe someone has come up with a diy for one, but i know the prizm pro has this as an option.
in my opinion, if you want to keep some of the larger, more delicate species, you will want to invest in a sump and skimmer, or a wet/dry and skimmer. this will allow you to place the skimmer, the heater, and any other things like a thermometer underneath the tank, and not in the display tank its self. This also gives the added benefit of adding gallonage to the system, increasing the durability of the system.
if you want more information about going this route, just doa search either here or in the new hobbiest section for sump, you will find tons and tons of discussions about them.
i only bring this up now, because if you choose to go this route you are looking at 300 dollars or so for a prebuild wet/dry, maybe 200 or so for a setup if you make it yourself. with a hang on skimmer of good quality running about 200-225 dollars, you could in theory make a nice sump for less, or at least not have to buy twice.
hope that helps.


Hi Liz - I had to ask too! It is a film at the top of the water. I can see it best when looking up though my tank so I can see the light reflecting on the surface. Apparently it is undisolved food particles and can prevent a good oxygen transfer into the water and eventually breaks down into amonia and nitrite.


Frink - after yours and others posts, I took the damsels out yesterday afternoon. I also too out the Racoon Butterfly last night and left only the Sweetlips, tang and 2 clowns - they all get along nicely. The Racoon was fine until the clowns and sweetlips (they had been in my Q tank until yesterday) were added then became immediately aggressive and would not leave the sweetlips or clowns alone. I have him in a holding tank to go back to my LFS tomorrow as they are closed today.


Frink - after yours and others posts, I took the damsels out yesterday afternoon. I also too out the Racoon Butterfly last night and left only the Sweetlips, tang and 2 clowns - they all get along nicely. The Racoon was fine until the clowns and sweetlips (they had been in my Q tank until yesterday) were added then became immediately aggressive and would not leave the sweetlips or clowns alone. I have him in a holding tank to go back to my LFS tomorrow as they are closed today. Guess I already need a bigger tank!!;)