Skimmer issues


My coral life super skimmer seems to be giving me some issues.
I have the skimmer in HOB style on my sump. The probem is the skimmer internal water level is directly effected by the water level in the sump. I am in the process of putting together an auto top off system, but I still feel like I will never be able to dial in the skimmer right unless I have a constant water level.
Any advice would be great!


I have the same skimmer and the same issues. I always have to adjust the skimmer dial.
I am looking into an auto top off also. I am thinking of getting a plumber to install my RO unit under my sink with a storage tank and facuet hook up and also install a T valve that will go to my sump with some sort of float valve shut off switch.
In the meantime I drilled a hole in a small bucket and put an air hose with a valve on it and I have a constant slow drip from the bucket to the sump. I did it on the weekend and the sump level is just about the same as when I started the drip so it seems to be working well.