skimmer keeps overflowing.


Active Member
i have a corallife superskimmer 125 and it keeps overflowing. i have already modified the return to a durso style return, so i dont think backpressure is a problem. when i leave the house in the morning, it is making foam and not too quickly, and by the time i get home, not only is my overflow cup full of water, but my soda bottle that i have conected to it is full also. anybody have a clue?


I have super skimmer 65. I tried everything even taking apart and cleaning every week. Nothing help it just randomly over flowed Here is picture of what I did. I drilled hole in collection cup and ran 1/2 inch tube from cup to below aquarium to a 5 gallon jug. If water gets to high it drains down and never overflows


Active Member
the collection cup on the 125 has a drain hole, and i have a tube running down to a 2 liter bottle. yesterday the bottle overflowed. luckily after the first overflow, i put the bottle in a 5 gallon bucket, and the bottle overflowed again. im wondering if my return pipe is in the water and that is creating backpressure?


Active Member
lowered my overflow basket so that my pipe wasnt in the water, so far so good. no more surging of the water level, and adjustment knob needs to be turned further now. we will see what happens.