Skimmer Location


can i get everyones views on where to put the skimmer, i have seen them in a sump on the left side where the drain is and the skimmer sits in there skimming and return water to the same side,
i have also seen where the left side ( tank drain side )has the skimmer pump in it and then the return line from the skimmer discharges into the right side of the sump where the return to the tank pump is
Is there a right or wrong way or perhaps one way is better than the other??


Active Member
In a traditional sump installation - it shouldn't matter all that much where the skimmer pump intake is or where the unit discharges.
I read where some folks feel it's better to have the skimmer here or there - because of this and that - but I don't necessarily agree with this way of thinking. thousands of gallons of saltwater must pass through any skimmer - to get just a given amount of skimmate produced. Normally that amount of "gunk" is small in relation to the total volume of tankwater that had to be processed by the skimmer.
On the other hand, in a sump/refugium combo with a sandbed - you'll want to avoid the sand from entering the skimmer and return pump intake ports, which could cause damage to the pump's internals.
Other than that, I personally don't think it's a real issue wherever you place it in the system. As long as it's in the system.


Active Member
The only thing I can add to the above is, I would have the skimmer return in a diffrent place than the skimmer pump. By that I mean, if possible, have the pump on one side and the skimmer on the other. This will keep the same water from entering the skimmer again. This is not a big problem, but, I just do it for peace of mind.