
I know that i need a skimmer with my live rock, but i was just wondering how long my live rock can go without a skimmer after it is cured and in the tank. the live rock has been cure only a few days in a tote


Maybe I'm totally missing out on something but I don't think that you need a skimmer if you have live rock; it only helps out a lot. I don't think your live rock will die if you have it in a suitable tank without a skimmer. Who told you that?


Active Member
I am new to this, btu my understanding is that a skimmer is great for the tank. But you really don't need one right away. So you shouldn't have to worry about your life rock staying alive if you don't have a skimmer.
well i do have a fuval 404 and lace rock and CC mixed together. i know that the skimmer does help and i am planning to get one bc i will have over 100 lbs of LR. oh and is it better to buy un-cured live lock or pre-cured. i can buy uncured for 1.75 a lb.


For the first three or for month’s I had my tank I did not have a skimmer, I only had a dual 400 Emperor bio wheel and 2 power heads. I got rid of the bio and just use the skimmer. B/F I did that my paremriter were way off. With just the skimmer it has be just perfect. I have about 70 pounds of lr and about a 2” lsb in a 55gal. I don’t have many anomies and no coral b/c my lighting is no good and I have to up grade some day. I do have a sea cucumber, bicolor blenny, mandarinfish, domino dazzle and a tomato clown and you can’t for get the clean up crew!!


Active Member
LR does not need a skimmer... I wouldn't run one until it is cured and your tank has cycled.
After the tank cycles I would highly recommend a skimmer. A skimmer will remove waste (proteins) before it changes to nitrates. They will also remove a verity of elements.
thanks for the info. what about the uncured live rock that i can get for $1.75 is it worth it to do and cure it myself. AND if i do would i put it right into the tank, or cure it in a tote. my tank is not done with it's cycle yet so i don't know if i could just put it in. OR could i buy a bit of cured LR and some of the other stuff and mix the two into my tank at the same time.