Skimmer making microbubbles even after changing sump


I have only had my tank for a week and a half (brought from someone) and have had microbubbles the whole time, even though prev owner didnt have any. and it is driving me nuts already!
The sumps quite small and only had 1 baffle, which was a bit broken so was probably doing nothing.
The drain line, and return from the chiller go into the section that has the skimmer, the water then flows through sponges through to the return pump and chiller pump.
No matter how many times we rearranged things we couldnt get rid of the bubbles.
We have been planning on buying a new sump, one that will be more effective, but thought we would give a "home made" one a go first.
We got a 50 litre/13 gal container that has more surface volume than height, although slightly higher than previous sump. And we got a 10 litre/2.5 gal bucket and drilled holes in it and placed the skimmer, and drain lines into this bucket and put in corner of the 13 gal bucket. then had the chiller pump and return pump as far as possible away from this bucket to reduce bubbles.
We put a couple of sponges inside the bucket as well.
Now we have found that turning the skimmer off produces no bubbles (in old tank, skimmer on or off made no difference) so we are thinking that the reason behind our bubble problem is the skimmer.
How do you stop bubbles produced by a skimmer? is there a quick fix, or am i best to buy a new sump with heaps of bubble traps ... i have seen that some people still have the problem even after doing this.
Any help on this before i lose my mind?