Skimmer not working.


New Member
My skimmer for my 55g (I don't know the brand) is not working properly. I thought perhaps it was the pump, so I replaced it with a new one (Maxijet 1200) but no luck.
Everything is clean, but water will only go about 3/4 way up the pipe and not produce any bubbles? Any thoughts?
The good news is though, I now have a new powerhead!
(the old maxijet)

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by geo1
My skimmer for my 55g (I don't know the brand) is not working properly. I thought perhaps it was the pump, so I replaced it with a new one (Maxijet 1200) but no luck.
Everything is clean, but water will only go about 3/4 way up the pipe and not produce any bubbles? Any thoughts?
The good news is though, I now have a new powerhead!
(the old maxijet)
check your airline


New Member
We went to the LFS this weekend, and I explained what was happening to our skimmer. The owner suggested I adjust the flow down to the bottom, where it was making bubbles. (I was trying to adjust it right near the top of the overflow cup)
And low and behold, within 24 hrs, its seemed to be producing bubbles high enough to get into the cup.
I have cleaned it once and it was really disgusing, which was great!

Thought this might be helpful to someone else.