Skimmer of choice for a 150


Want some input on skimmer selection. What would be your skimmer of choice for a 150 with a bunch of messy eaters (snowflake, porky, trigger, etc)?
I was considering doing a sumpless, but I think that idea is out the window due to skimmer selection. So help me out with any skimmers you have had experience with.


I have an Octopus Pro 300 and my 150gal is fully stocked, to say the least and my nitrates are always around 10. The skimmer pulls up a lot of junk, I have to empty the very large cup twice a week. What I also like about it is that it's not incredibly tall and fits nicely in my sump. Very easy to take apart and clean, excellent skimmer.


Originally Posted by RCreations
I have an Octopus Pro 300 and my 150gal is fully stocked, to say the least and my nitrates are always around 10. The skimmer pulls up a lot of junk, I have to empty the very large cup twice a week. What I also like about it is that it's not incredibly tall and fits nicely in my sump. Very easy to take apart and clean, excellent skimmer.
Thats the input im looking for. Thank you I'll check into the Octopus.


Originally Posted by bioneck47
You can also look into the ASM line of skimmers. Maybe a G3 or G4....
I noticed you mentioned those several times in your other thread. All of my experience has been with tanks less than 100 gallons so when it comes to large skimmers I am now a novice all over again.


Active Member
i use a aqua-C EV-180 on a 150 reef. it works fine for me with all levels at zero, but it is not yet "fully" stocked with fish. it is not as powerful as the ASM /Octos i guess , and it is rated under those as well, but it works quite nicely.


I have the octo 300 recirc on my 150g and it is pretty wicked. It is rather large so you would need some room for this baby.


Originally Posted by sean48183
I have the octo 300 recirc on my 150g and it is pretty wicked. It is rather large so you would need some room for this baby.
Someone else recomended an octo 300 in an earlier post. Price might be just a little more than I budgeted. The price of the G3 & G4 is right up my alley.