skimmer only or skimmer w/ wet/dry


Active Member
I am trying to decide what to do with my tank. I have a built in skimmer and filter now. Am I better off to go with the wet dry which would mean some major modifications to my tank or just the skimmer? I have a 125 with 200lbs of rock.

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
i think you have a DSB also, with that about of LR and sand you really dont need a wet/dry. The rock and sand are the only biological filtration you need (berlin method). I have a wet/dry right now, but will eventually be taking it out when i have around 75 lbs of live rock in my tank. 25lbs in now, 25lbs about to go in.


I would leave the wet/dry at the pet store there expensive and help produce alot of nitrates I never had one on my reef tank and never had any sort of water quality problems.