Skimmer or more filtration?


New Member
I removed the biowheels from Penguin 330 on my 46 gallon bow front that has been up and running for 2 1/2 years. I have a MicroJet powerhead for extra circulation. I have 40 lbs of live rock, cc, w/ some shrooms and yellow pollyps. 3 fish: coral beauty, banggai cardinal, and maroon clown. I also have some snails, scarlet hermits, cleaner shrimp, and blood shrimp. My water params are good but was thinking about adding a skimmer or extra filter. I've done a search on biowheels and decided to remove them after reading results from others. Any suggestions?


New Member
I think the MicroJet is 117 gph. My main concern was a nitrate/ammonia spike since I removed the biowheels. No spike yet, and LFS was recommending doubling my live rock over time. I'm moving in a couple months so don't want to add more lr. What type of powerhead would you recommend? I've heard the powersweeps lock up. tks again