Skimmer overkill?


Active Member
I have a 75g reef and it's now time to add a skimmer, going with coralife needle wheel, my question is should I go with the 65g version or go ahead and get the bigger one for 125g tanks. Is it possible to overskim a tank?


Do you have a sump? If so, don't forget to take that water into account for total volume. But to answer your question, you can't really overskim a system. The 65gal. version is too small for your tank. Definitely go with the 125 at least. You always want the skimmer rated for more than your tank to be on the safe side and make sure it's effective. For example, I have a 90 + 30 sump and I am using the 220 version.


Originally Posted by maxalmon
I have a 75g reef and it's now time to add a skimmer, going with coralife needle wheel, my question is should I go with the 65g version or go ahead and get the bigger one for 125g tanks. Is it possible to overskim a tank?

Go with the bigger one. You can always adjust the skimmer down, but you cant make a smaller one work harder.
Overskimming...i dont know the solid answer, as I have heard good responses for both yes and no. I do not personally think you can overskim, in the respect of if there is nothng to strip out of the water, the skimmer wont take it out. I know it can also remove some good things from the water, but i feel if you are ding proper water changes, you are usually fine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by maxalmon
I have a 75g reef and it's now time to add a skimmer, going with coralife needle wheel, my question is should I go with the 65g version or go ahead and get the bigger one for 125g tanks. Is it possible to overskim a tank?
You want to go as big as possible, never under.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SaltFan
You want to go as big as possible, never under.
ARGH....Huff,...Snort....I took your advice and got the 125 super needle, but overlooked the most critical part, the blasted thing is too tall to fit under my tank (sump) and too wide to fit behind the tank (hot). I tried every option trying to make it fit somewhere and it's just not going to happen. I'm gona keep it thought, will work in my LR curing pond and order one this time that will fit under my tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by maxalmon
ARGH....Huff,...Snort....I took your advice and got the 125 super needle, but overlooked the most critical part, the blasted thing is too tall to fit under my tank (sump) and too wide to fit behind the tank (hot). I tried every option trying to make it fit somewhere and it's just not going to happen. I'm gona keep it thought, will work in my LR curing pond and order one this time that will fit under my tank.
Okay, thank god we arent the only one w/ that problem!! Yea we upgraded to the same skimmer(which is awesome) and it now hangs on the side of our tank b/c it didnt not find underneath or behind!!


Active Member
Do you think these manufactureres ever go out and actually look at some stands before they design these things. This skimmer would have to have a stand with an internal height of at least 28" and that would be tight. Then again, it's for a 125 maybe the stands are taller for a bigger tank? It all comes down to being my fault, got a little click happy and didn't read the details section on this skimmer. I'll just add it to the pile of mistakes


Active Member
nope the stand for the 125 is not taller!! and i have a custom stand that is taller then one you buy and still nadda!! even tho its on the side of my tank, it does an awesome job and its the best skimmer we've had!!


Active Member
Since it's a HOB skimmer too, they probably aren't as worried about the height. But, I've seen skimmers that were about 10 feet tall. They aren't always expected to go under the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hagfish
Since it's a HOB skimmer too, they probably aren't as worried about the height. But, I've seen skimmers that were about 10 feet tall. They aren't always expected to go under the tank.
I like having EVERYTHING concealed except of course for the lights. So i would like the skimmer to fit underneath but since it doesn or behind the tank, it sits on the side of the tank. no biggie.


Active Member
I've got a plexi and no way it will fit on the side without taking a hacksaw to make the opening a little more shallow. Bummer, guess I'll just have to go ahead and punch some holes thru the wall, run all my equipment to a dedicated fish room and since I'm gona do that might as well upgrade the tank to a larger size, more lights, more LR...Come to think of it, I should email the manufacturer and say "thanks", needed a good excuse to upgrade


Active Member
Originally Posted by maxalmon
I've got a plexi and no way it will fit on the side without taking a hacksaw to make the opening a little more shallow. Bummer, guess I'll just have to go ahead and punch some holes thru the wall, run all my equipment to a dedicated fish room and since I'm gona do that might as well upgrade the tank to a larger size, more lights, more LR...Come to think of it, I should email the manufacturer and say "thanks", needed a good excuse to upgrade

sounds like a good idea lol.


i personally think think the superskimmer rated for up to the 65 gallon tank will skim your 75 gallon well. The skimmer is the best I have seen for something rated that small. My whole upstairs smells nasty when I remove that cup.


Active Member
Originally Posted by maxalmon
ARGH....Huff,...Snort....I took your advice and got the 125 super needle, but overlooked the most critical part, the blasted thing is too tall to fit under my tank (sump) and too wide to fit behind the tank (hot). I tried every option trying to make it fit somewhere and it's just not going to happen. I'm gona keep it thought, will work in my LR curing pond and order one this time that will fit under my tank.