skimmer placement in sump


I'm slowly stocking up on equipment before buying a tank. I just bought a sump that has a small intake area that leads into a larger fuge area. From there it goes into a medium size return area that could hold the skimmer and return pump.
After reading up a little more I agree with others that skimming the water before it hits the fuge is more beneficial (keeps large solids out of fuge and leaves copepods and other things in the water fish might prey on).
My question is, do all skimmers have to be submerged in the sump or can I let the overflows go into an external skimmer then into the intake of my sump? If so does the skimmer require an extra pump to move the water into the sump?
Thanks in advance!


There are skimmers out there that you can use externally, but most require strong powerheads to operate. I personally wouldn't do it though, a tiny leak can be disasterous.


Active Member
i wouldn't put the skimmer in the return area anyway, unless you had an auto top-off. skimmers aren't supposed to be in a compartment with a fluctuating water level.
i'd return that sump for a different one, or better yet, make one out of a standard tank, like a 30 or 40 breeder. it's very easy, and you'll be glad you have the extra space.