skimmer? possible to live without it


New Member
just wondering I have started cycling my 50gal and was just wondering if I could run my system without a skimmer. I have 80lbs of LS and 60lbs of LR. I used the boxed Catalina ocean water to start my tank out with. I had a hang on filter running for the first week and it worked great until today when the motor stopped. I took it back to the LFS and they didn't have anymore so I got a Fluval 305, and after I got it up and running the water got cloudy is that normal? Any info would be good thanks. I feel like a junkie now I am online 24-7 looking at fish stuff and I can't pass any kind of pet store without stoping.. Hahha oh well i'm having fun with it.


Active Member
Michael, skimmers are very beneficial. Absolutely needed, NO! I went 6 months without one because the LFS I dealt with did not use them and have some of the nicest healthiest looking reefs around.
I did not believe in one until I broke down and bought one. To the see the Skimmate that a good skimmer produces will forever change your mind.
It can only help!!
Welcome to the boards and good luck with your decisions.


Active Member
You don't need a skimmer if you have enough biolocal filtration. As a matter of fact, there are a lot of people out there which don't run skimmers at all, with tanks up in the 100's of gallons. It all depends on you bioload.


YES! I would say that is a excellent idea to have protien skimmer because it will help your water clear in your tank.


Are you in Tucson, Mike?
I use the "Berlin method" which essentually is a sump and skimmer.Works great!(thinking of adding a refuge for my new 280gal.)
Of course as mentioned, bioload is an important factor.
IMHO, skimmers are one of the most important pieces of equipment to have. If you get one, get the best you can afford, don't skimp on the skimmer!
I have found it helps if you double the size it is rated, for a given amount of water.