skimmer problems?

panther g

New Member
my aqua c remora spray injector stoped when the power went out. When it came back on very little water was coming out and no foam. The pump is a rio 800 could that a problem? :mad:
more than likely its the rio, there have been many complants about how it fails to restart, what i might susjest is that you take the rio off, take the impeller out , clean it off, put it back toghter, then when you put it in the water turn it upside down, and right/left and get the air out from inside it, connect it, plug it in, and it should work


Sometimes I have to jump start a pump after an outage. Just cycle the power a couple of times by switching the power stip off and on and it should start up ok. Hopefully that will take care of it.
[ June 30, 2001: Message edited by: Rickt4du ]


I have had this problem as well with my skimmer. I just give it the "gentle whack" to get it going. LOL Sometimes my skimmer isn't mixing enough air in either. I take a coffe cup of boiling water and let the air intake hose suck it through. This will clean out any goop build up you may have. It does not raise the temp or anything, just be sure to use good water when you do this. You will see an immediate improvement in air mixture in your skimmer, and water output as well.