Skimmer pump help


I have a wet dry that I am using as a sump only. As part of the wet dry, I have a skimmer which is powered by a Rio 600 pump. The tank is a 46 gallon bow front. It skims but it does not seem like it collects a lot. Any suggestions? The wet dry is an Aqua clear aquatics which is also the manufacturer of the skimmer.


Active Member
Is the skimmer producing very fine bubbles?, If so then it is prolly working properly. If your tank is nutrient poor then the skimmed amount will be less. What livestock is in the tank?


Could adjust your airflow up.
Originally posted by sduda:
<STRONG>I have a wet dry that I am using as a sump only. As part of the wet dry, I have a skimmer which is powered by a Rio 600 pump. The tank is a 46 gallon bow front. It skims but it does not seem like it collects a lot. Any suggestions? The wet dry is an Aqua clear aquatics which is also the manufacturer of the skimmer.</STRONG>


It is producing fine bubbles but it does not seem like a lot of them. I removed the valve for the air mixture to see if I could increase the volume of bubbles. I have 3 damsels and two tangs along with 3 soft coral. The fish are all quite small (all between 1.5 - 3 inches except the yellow tang being around 4.5 inches). I have 40 lbs lr and 20 lbs ls. The skimmer does collect the brown stuff on the walls and the cup overflow does contain a small amount. I may be just too paranoid the it is not working properly.


If it's collecting "brown stuff" on the sides and in the cup,it's most likely working fine. You have to give skimmers time to "seed" if they're new. I'm not familiar with that skimmer but I don't think I would have removed the air mixture valve. You could have caused less air to get to the skimmer. Give it a week and see how it does. Good luck :)