skimmer queation

orca t

I have a small 29g bio cube and just got the initial cycle completed. I have 4 corals in this cage and a mated pair of snow flake clowns. I would like to add a ATS but I'm not convinced that it is really woth the hassel for a 29 g cube.
I would like a skimmer I can put in to the first chamber. Would the Red Sea skimmer offered here on this store (SWF store) be okay for this tank? It is rated for a 40 gallon.
Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
An algae scrubber is worth it, and you can add one to your tank, you would just have to be very creative. lol. I've seen it done, if you want to go through the hassle and acrylic work to do it, I'll see if I can find you a link.
A Tunze Nano would be your best bet for your system. The skimmer box has to be modified a little bit to get it to fit, but you will not be disappointed. There are no microbubbles that are released back into your tank. The other problem with a Tunze nano is that the skimmers collection cup is pretty big, so you would have to modify your hood a little to get it to fit. But, it's a skimming BEAST. It's rated for a 52g softie tank, or up to a 26g SPS dominated reef tank. Win/Win Oh, and it only costs about $150.

orca t

Thanks for the idea. The scrubber indeed would be the way to go however, I am not home enough to scrape it as it needs.