skimmer question


How well do the skilter filter or rio skimmers work on nano aquariums.
I have a 24 gallon aquapod. What other options for skimmers do I have?


Active Member
Originally Posted by edavis
How well do the skilter filter or rio skimmers work on nano aquariums.
I have a 24 gallon aquapod. What other options for skimmers do I have?
sapphire skimmer for the aquapod24 = 124.95


Current makes a skimmer called the Fission Nano for about 24 bucks, people on this board will tell you it worthless, I've personally run mine about three days once a month to remove the slick that forms on the the top from feeding and it does a great job.
I do a 10% change weekly and really don't think I need a skimmer on my 24g aquapod for anything other than cleaning the slick. if I took the time to strain my frozen cubes through cheesecloth to remove the oils i probably wouldn't need it at all, but I think straining might be removing beneficial nutrients.


SIDE NOTE: If you set your weirs up right on the aquapod it will kinda skim on its own, I personally run mine without the weirs to get more flow through the LR rubble I have in the 1st chamber