Skimmer Question


I have a 50 gal tank I have just set up with LR and LS. I am setting it up for Fish Only (until I can upgrade my lighting) I had my tank set up before (for 5 years) with an Emperor 400, 1 20 watt 50/50 flourescent bulb. I've never had a skimmer or a power head and wondered which of these would be best for my size tank? Any suggestions?
Also, when I decide to upgrade my lighting, which would be best for corals and zoos? I've heard metal halides and also T5's? Which would be best?


First increase the flow in the tank with power heads or another filter.
Then look into a skimmer - look at the coral life super skimmer 65 - IMO the best bang for the buck.
Really though fish only system still needs alot more flow to get water moving over sand and rock to break down nutrients. Skimmer will also help. Fish will be healthier in increased flow also as oxygen is dispersed better.


Thank you so much for the help. This is such a great site for information. I will look into that skimmer you mentioned and I'm going out this weekend to look for a good powerhead. I'm wondering if you have any ideas on a lighting upgrade for my tank size?