Skimmer question


I have a 55gallon with 6 damsels 5 turbos 6 green emerald crabs. The tank has been established for about 8 weeks I just bought a sealife 75 skimmer for my sump and when I first set the tank up I used some water conditioners not knowing the aloe in this crap would make my skimmer over react and bubble up alot! I did a 10 gallon water change and then I let the over flow on the skimmer empty about 5 more gallons out of the skimmer itself. My question would be how long will this keep up? I would like this sooner or later start working properly. Any suggestions on what I could do.
Thanks in advance.

david s

hi tc I would do a 50 percent water change like 25 gal make sure your salinity is the same on water change as tank inverts like crabs and snails are very sencitive to this and your ph alk is the same ps i would just add regular additive for ph alk and cal dont go with the other stuff like conditioners somtimes they can cause harm to stuff like bactiria


So since I did 15 gallons already about 2 days ago. Could I just do another 10 gallons and call it a day. By the way I'm using all distilled water I'm not taking any more chances with tap water. I'll keep using the distilled for my topoff and regular changes from now on, untill I find a decent RO system that fit my budget. Thanks for the info. I'll give it a try and hopefully my skimmer will start working the way it supposed to.


hey tcoc, i know this is off the subject, but i'm from st cloud florida, not too far away and i was wonderin where a good fish store is over your way. i'm sure theres a few isnt there?
you can email me at
thanks alot

richard rendos

Active Member
Carbon, carbon, carbon....use it for a day or two...change it with new. Keep doing this for 2 to 3 treatments. It will pull the aloe, etc. out of the water.