Skimmer Question


Anyone know about bak paks? I am getting nothing in my collection cup really. I had it set too low and got clear water now it is at the bubble line and doesn't collect anything. I have heard others say how the first few days they had to empty it a few times and I have yet to skim anything. Am I doing something wrong or is it maybe because my tank is new there isn't anything for it to skim? By the way, I am running it wide open right now and it is filling my tank with bubbles and still nothing.


Staff member

Originally posted by Iechy
is it maybe because my tank is new there isn't anything for it to skim?

I've never used this particular skimmer, but it is very likely that the reason for no skim is because your tank is new. How long has your tank been set up? What stocking do you have?
Most people don't even run a skimmer until after a tank has been up and running awhile [a few mos].
You need to turn the valve down until you don't get bubbles in the tank. If you are getting bubbles thrown back out into your tank, then those bubbles can't get skimmed. The point of a skimmer is to create those bubbles so that that organics can be skimmed off of them. If they are going back out in to your tank, then the water flow is up to high.


I've been up for about a month with 2 perculas, 2 damsels, coral banded, 2 emerald crabs, chocolate chip, brittle star, and some hermits and snails. I put the skimmer on already because I had read and was told that I should ass it when I added the LR which I did. Maybe that was not needed then. I think some of the bubbles are due to addidtives I was using but have stopped now since the bubbles stayed even when the flow was way down.
Thanks for the help.