I have the hose down from the overflow into a 10 gallon tank, then the powerhead to the Red Sea berlin classic skimmer. then there are two outlets. Then I have a wet dry filter.
Question: Do I take hoses from these two outlets then to the filter? Right now there is a lid on it that has a 1 1/4" input. I guess I can saw this off and drill two holes for these 3/8" hoses to fit into.
Am right in thinking that I cannot put these two hoses into a Tee and then to the 1 1/4" fitting, will there be too much back pressure.
Question: Does the powerhead before the skimmer need to be stronger, weaker, or the same gpm as the one after the bioballs returning to the tank?
Question: Do I take hoses from these two outlets then to the filter? Right now there is a lid on it that has a 1 1/4" input. I guess I can saw this off and drill two holes for these 3/8" hoses to fit into.
Am right in thinking that I cannot put these two hoses into a Tee and then to the 1 1/4" fitting, will there be too much back pressure.
Question: Does the powerhead before the skimmer need to be stronger, weaker, or the same gpm as the one after the bioballs returning to the tank?