Skimmer size?


I'm looking into starting a 30g oceanic cube, I've been doing my research and now I'm starting to get the pieces together and now its onto the protein skimmer. Here is what I'm looking to stock it with eventually.
-brush coral
-plate coral
-feather duster
-hermits, shrimps, snails
-clown fish and maybe a goby
-around 50 lbs of LR and around 3" LS
Hopefully thats enough info. A hanging model is what i'm looking for, also if you have any opinions on brands that are known for being quiet. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.


well, i use a seaclone which most people say isn't that great
but a bad skimmer can be better than no skimmer at all;
overall you want to have a skimmer but i dont really know which on is best for the 30 g
i also do not reccomend the fission nano skimmer or whatever it is called; one of my friends had it and it stopped working completely after about a week


Active Member
I also am working on a 30 gal oceanic cube and intend touse the good old best bang for the buck Coralife SUper skimmer model size 65. Its a hob skimmer and works just fine.
I am making a false back and compaaratment in my cube though, similar to how the JBJ Nano cubes are made. Its made out of black 1/4" acrylic, with various compartments to hold pump, heater, fuge etc, and one compartment will have the pump for the skimmer in it, but the outflow from skimmer will discharge into yet another separate compartment with a built in bubble trap. Also there is a built in surface type skimmer. I am going with strictly Power compact lights as I have no interests in metal halides. I figure I can fit 200 or300 watts maybe more of PC lights in a hood, which is also acrylic plastic. I only plan on a sand bed depth of 1" to 1.5" or so. Not interested in a deep sand bed.
Back to the skimmer. The CSS 65 is a perfect companion to these 30 gal cubes. They are quiet if they are setup correctly