Skimmer suggestions.


So I have this catalina skimmer, which is a lot like a seaclone...aka junk. I tried to modify it and it made it a lot better, but still not acceptable. I have a 30 gallon tank with a 20 gallon sump and I have been looking around for a good skimmer, but am having problems. Every good skimmer is too big for my cabinet or rated WAY over 50 gallons and every skimmer that is small is considered junk. So basically, I am wondering, do I consider my tank 30 or 50 gallons? Are there any good diy skimmers for me out there? What do you suggest I do?


Active Member
AquaC Urchin skimmer has a fairly small footprint and should handle a tank your size. Usually anything small that works good = BUCKS!
You might want to list how much room you have, it will make it easier for someone to point you in the right direction.


You would consider your system 50g. I would recomend finding a skimmer with a rateing for no less than 75g, preferably more. It all depends on what you have in your tank or want to keep. If you want to keep a few fish and softies and some lps then a skimmer for 75-100g would be fine.


Active Member
what size footprint can you handle, and also what height are you limited to?
i'd stay away from an aqua c urchin.


I have about 23 inches from the bottom of the stand to the bottom of the display tank and about 4.5 inches from the side of the stand to the tank.


Active Member
you are quite limited. i don't have an answer for you, other than plumbing in an external skimmer maybe.