skimmer v. wet/dry v. both


Just a general question.
I am currently runnning a prizm pro deluxe hang-on skimmer on my 55gallon, with a ton of LR. I also have a Eheim pro cannister, but I do not use it as I read it can actually add nitrates back into the system.
My question is, with the LR, is it enough to run only a skimmer, or should I be running something else in addition? Do most people have just a skimmer or do they run a secondary filtration system as well?
I would love to hear what you do, and why you do it...


Active Member
the skimer might be enough by it self depending on how many lbs of lr you have to use the lr as filtration you need around 1 1/2 - 2 lbsp g.


In all honesty, I have never actually weighed it all! I would guess i had at least 75 punds of LR though.


Active Member
In my 72 reef I only use a prizm and about 70 lbs of rock for filtration. It works for me but my bioload is relative small. One tang, a cardinal, fairy wrasse, scissortail goby, firefish and neon goby. What do you have for bioload?


one small purple tang (I inhereited it with the tank, so please, no flaming for having it in a 55...I didn't put it there, just trying to keep it happy!)
three small green chromis
one snowflake eel
three cleaner shrimp
cleanup crew
So I think my bioload is ok. I wouldn't feel good adding anything else, I think that might be too much, but overall for a 55 that is not that bad. What do you think?