Skimmer Vs. UV Sterlizer


Which do you think is more essential for a 55g FOWLR(fish only with live rock) and why do you think one is more important?


Skimmer, Hands Down. The skimmer will remove dissolved organics which harbor ammonia, nitrites, etc. UV will kill free floating algea and virius/bacteria. Id say that you will more likely want to prevent the first rather than the latter.


Active Member
IMO...It's not really a "vs." issue between the two....they perform two different functions and are "complimentary" and not "mutually exclusive"...
However, if it's a matter of cash flow (ie: which should I get first ?) I would favor the Skimmer over the UV as giving more "immediate" benifits in the reduction of organics in the tank and support of the biological filtration...


Active Member
squid bro.. u put down perfectly on how u cant compare which is more essential... u can do with-out either.. the uv.. u can qt prior to adding to the main.. the skimmer.. u can do water changes.. if i had a choice. id get a good skimmer....but if i was to either ger a crapper skimmer (aka berlin..) or a uv.. id get a uv..


My choice would be to go with the skimmer. Many folks regard the UV as an option of questionable utility although I run one myself. Skimmer has always been considered as an essential part of most saltwater systems for many of the reasons given above.