skimmer ?


:jumping: Hi everyone I am new here. I have a seaclone skimmer and I am getting a lot fine bubbles in my tank from it. Can anyone help me with this?


Active Member
Try to turn down the air flow and/or the water flow.
Unfortunately you have a horrible brand name of skimmer. I am not saying this to be rude, because I have a Visi-Jet, which is made by the same company and is even WORSE!
I got so fed up with the damn microbubbles that I converted the skimmer into an airstone-driven model.
I would get a new skimmer when you get money, I know I definately am.


Active Member
Yea Muds right, i have one too!! :) but turn it one way or the other, mine eventually stopped doing it. How old is your tank??? and on the instructions to the seaclone it tells you what to do, it worked for me. I just ran it for 2 weeks with the airline completely closed and then i started messing with it. it worked then, slowly but surely no fine bubbles/ goodluck.


Active Member
CO2 produces carbonic acid when exposed to water. The bubbles can raise your PH too high by eliminating the CO2 in your tank. The bubbles are also bad for a number of other reasons. If they gather under pieces of live rock and form bigger bubbles, the growth in that portion of the live rock can die off. Certain anemones and other inverts can also be poisoned by the bubbles. If you have anemones and you see microbubles sticking to the undersides of them, it is trouble. The anemone will release mucus to get rid of the bubbles, which stresses the anemones and is bad for water quality.